16 March 2009

Cape Town scraps

Too much is happening at once right now to keep up the flow of news. Cape Town is already almost two weeks ago, so here are some bits worth mentioning:

I am in love with its chilled atmosphere, the shady benches at Company Gardens right in the middle of the city; the ambitious exhibitions at the Art Museum; Charly's and the German Dinkel bakery - two businesses on either end of the baked goods spectrum, both perfectly formed; the not at all tacky V&A waterfront, which could so easily have gone wrong, but is surprisingly entertaining; baboons and seals right there in town; the incredible Aquarium - can't wait to dive with the sharks there; its similarity to Wellington which I miss terribly (not the crap autumn weather that they're probably having by now, though).

After Joburg and the constant warnings to watch your back - and your bag - I found myself wary to the point of paranoia walking the streets. I felt silly since certainly the CBD is perfectly harmless. Makes me wonder what is possible in Joburg CBD if one would just dare walk there.

Lesson learnt: when driving past a group of baboons, keep your windows up and don't leave the car. As we watched another car was invaded by a mother/child team of apish thiefs who emptied a stolen bag into the road in search for food only to bare their over-sized canines at anyone daring to take their loot off them.


  1. Just had to tell you how much I love that photograph, it's amazing.

  2. Thank you. I took it with my iPhone at the Castle of Good Hope and did some editing magic on the phone with Camerabag, a program that applies some cool filters to the sometimes a bit bland pictures the iPhone takes. This is the Lulu filter, something like a Lomo camera would produce, I understand. That's my mum in the doorway, but that's [probably more information than you needed ;-)
    Oh, and there are more photos like that on my flickrstream (see right column).
